About Ignite

What if you were only given 5 minutes and 20 slides to make a point? Ignite Colorado Springs is a night of high-energy presentations with a twist. Speakers are community members who will teach, enlighten and inspire – and they have exactly 5 minutes to do so. The goal is for speakers to “ignite” ideas through energizing talks and generate a “spark” of movement within the community.

Ignite is a high-energy evening giving voice to the ideas and insights of Colorado’s brightest, most creative and most influential people. By bringing together such a diverse group of people we hope to create new connections and inspire action for our community. This action will take many forms, and each will help move Colorado toward a brighter future. Ignite is a night of presentations with a twist. Each presenter has only 5 minutes and 20 slides advancing automatically to make their point. Speakers must get to the point quickly and succinctly, providing the audience with a hint of the scope of their projects, initiatives, and visions.

Who Should Attend? This event is about community – bringing people together to spark ideas. This means you! We welcome community members, business leaders, organizations, students – and everyone in between. The event is free and open to the public, but is limited to the first 300 registrants.

Event Theme: Speakers for Ignite Colorado Springs event have been specifically invited to speak about projects, ideas and events relating to our region.

Contact Us

Get in touch

Rhea C. Phaneuf
Marketing and Events Project Manager
El Pomar Institute for Innovation & Commercialization (EPIIC)
[email protected]

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